Family: Iridaceae

Common Name: ABC's Tall Bearded Iris


Tall Bearded Iris ABC's

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc., Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone4
Sunlightfull, 1/2 day
Soil & Sitewell drained, rhizomes will rot in heavy poorly drained, ph of 6-7 is preferred.
Flowers2-4 inch flowers come in a plethora of colors, borne on the tip and sides branch of the flower scape, end of May into June, zone #5
Leavesflat fan at growing tip.
Rootsfibrous off the rhizome
Dimensionsto 30 inches depending on cultivar
MaintenanceWith time Iris will form a thick clump of rhizomes. These need to be divided and thinned (See "Dividing Iris" on this website for more information on this subject) Bare root Iris rhizomes are best planted from July through September. Remember to plant the growing tip of the rhizomes in the direction you want them to grow. The Iris Borer can be a problem.
Propagationby division of the rhizome in August or early September (See "Dividing Iris" on this website for more information on this subject)
Misc FactsAKA: Grand Waltz, Lemon Mist, Pristine, Gat Persona, Brides Halo, Carolina Gold, Fuchsia Frill, Thriller, Quite Tube
Notes & Reference#88-The Iris Book (Molly Price), Schreiner's Iris Gardens web site
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