Family: Magnoliaceae

Common Name: Magnolia Gold Star

DescriptionA hardy yellow flowering Magnolia.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Trees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone4-8
Sunlightgrows best in full sun, tolerates some shade
Moistureaverage, moist, not drought tolerant
Soil & Siteaverage to rich, well drained, slightly acid
Flowerscreamy yellow, star-like, 4 inches with 14 strap like tepels, have proven to be frost resistant
Fruitaggregate of follicles fruit, dries to brown
Leaveselliptic to ovate, bronze red turning to green as they unfurl in the spring
Stemsthe pubescence buds are a good identification feature of this plant
Dimensionssmall to medium size tree.
Cultivar OriginA clone raised by Phil Savage of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan (USA). A cross between M.acuminata subsp subcordata "Miss Honeybee and M. stellata "Rubra".
Author's NotesBeing unaware that Magnolia's had yellow flowers, made the first time I came across this tree a pleasant surprise. Now it is a delight to view the cream-yellow blossoms every spring at the Boerner Botanical Gardens .
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Dirr), #86-A Gardner’s Guide to Magnolias (Gardiner)
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