Description | Yellow Twig Dogwood(Cornus sericea flaviramea) A medium to tall, wide-spreading shrub grown mainly for its yellow stems. |
Pronunciation | (KOR-nus)(ser-EE-see-a) |
Plant Type | Shrubs Deciduous, Site author's observations |
Hardiness Zone | 2-7 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny, tolerates some shade |
Moisture | average to moist to wet |
Soil & Site | average to swampy |
Flowers | white (flat-topped cymes) bloom in the late spring. |
Fruit | white to whitish blue drupes |
Leaves | green, simple, opposite, ovate to elliptic, reach about 2 by 4 inches. Fall color seems to be plant and site-related but can be a nice yellow. |
Stems | new stems a bright yellow |
Dimensions | Reaches 8-10 feet high by a spread of over 6-8 feet. Space 6 feet on center. A rapid growing shrub. |
Maintenance | I like to cut out 1/2 to a 1/3 of the old stems and cut the remaining stems back 50%. This promotes new colorful yellow stems since the older stems lose the reddish color. In one garden I maintain we cut the plants down to 6-12 inches in the early spring, it regrows and we need to trim it back again |
Propagation | softwood cuttings |
Cultivar Origin | First offered for sale by the Spath Nursery in Germany (1899). |
Misc Facts | Genus name comes from the Latin word cornu meaning horn in probable reference to the strength and density of the wood. Cornus is also the Latin name for cornelian cherry. genus name from Latin means silky in reference to the hairs present on young twigs and upper leaf surfaces. SYN: Cornus stolonifera, Lutea |
Notes & Reference | #01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #03-The Hillier Manual of Trees and Shrubs (Hillier Nursery), #175-Dogwoods (Paul Cappiello and Don Shadow), |