Family: Apocynaceae
Scientific Name: Vinca major Wojos Gem
Common Name: Vinca Wojos Gem
Description | A dense highly variegated vine. Used in baskets and containers in zone #5. |
Plant Type | All Plants, Perennial Tender |
Hardiness Zone | 7-11 |
Sunlight | Tolerates full to partial sun. I have grown it in half day full sun (east exposure) with good results. In full hot sun the foliage tends to fade |
Moisture | evenly moist |
Soil & Site | average |
Growing Media | average |
Flowers | blue tubular flowers, shy to flower |
Leaves | creamy yellow white centered leaves edged in deep green |
Stems | vine |
Propagation | cuttings and division |
Cultivar Origin | Originated at Wojo's Nursery. JEM is the first initials of the owner’s daughters. A sport of Vinca major 'Maculata'. |
Author's Notes | I have had this plant many times in pots on my patio. It tends not to revert to green as many of the other cultivars do. |
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