Description | Weihenstephaner Gold Sedum (Sedum kamtschaticus var floriferus) s a low-growing drought-tolerant Sedum with yellow flowers starting in June. |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | 3-8 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average to dry |
Soil & Site | well drained |
Growing Media | well drained |
Temperature | heat tolerant |
Flowers | yellow star-like flowers on 4-5 inch scapes, borne on a flat inflorescence called a cyme, June |
Leaves | green succulent leaves and stems |
Dimensions | 4-5 inches tall and spread 10-12". Can be spaced 12" on center. |
Propagation | easy from stem cuttings |
Native Site | Species plant is native to Kamchatica, Siberia. |
Cultivar Origin | It was named after a German beer that matches its flower color or an agricultural college in southern Germany? The origin is probably Germany. |
Misc Facts | AKA: Orange Stonecrop, Kamschatka Sedum, Kamschatka Stonecrop, Russian Stonecrop |
Notes & Reference | #209-The Plant Lovers Guide to Sedums (Brent Horvath) |