Family: Crassulaceae

Scientific Name: Sempervivum tectorum

Common Name: Hens and Chicks, Houseleek

DescriptionA ground hugging plant forming rosettes of succulent leaves.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone3-8, AHS 8-1
Sunlightfull to partial sun
Soil & SiteGrows in just about any soil as long if it is well drained.
Growing Mediaaverage to well drained
Flowersproduced in clusters on the tip of a leafy flower stalk arising from the center of a rosette, after flowering the base rosette will die
LeavesThe plants consist of clusters of small rosettes of succulent leaves. The leaves vary in color and size depending on the cultivar.
DimensionsSize varies with the cultivars. The rosettes may reach 3-4 inches while the flower stalks can get taller than 6-8 inches.
Propagationseeds, division, rooting the rosettes
Misc FactsThe common name House leek comes from the fact that it was believed that these plants prevent lightening from striking a house, so they were planted on the roof of houses. Sempervivum literally means live for ever and tectora means growing on roofs. There are hundreds of cultivars with a wide range of rosette size and color along with many different flower colors.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #40-Herbaceous Ornamental Plants (Steven Stills), #79-Perennials For Every Purpose (Larry Hodgson)
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