Family: Brassicaceae

Scientific Name: Hesperis matronalis

Common Name: Dames Rocket, Sweet Rocket


Dames Rocket (Hespestris matronalis) is a beautiful plant that consider this a desirable wildflower while other consider it an aggressive exotic weed.

Plant TypeAll Plants, Wild Flowers
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightwoodland edges, semi-shade
Moistureaverage to moist
Soil & Sitedisturbed sites, waste ground, thickets, open woods, roadsides, railroads
Flowerswhite, lavender to purple, 1/2", 4-petaled flowers in loose, terminal racemes which bloom in late spring, very fragrant particularly in the evening, short lived perennial or biennial
Fruitsiliques, 2 to 4 inches long
Leavesserrate, ovate to lance-shaped, dark green
Stemsan erect hairy stem
Rootstap root
DimensionsAn upright, multi-branched plant reaching up to 2-3 feet.
Native SiteNative to southern Europe to Siberia escaping from gardens and naturalized to the point of being exotic and an invasive in many areas.
Misc FactsOnce established it will continue by a prolific production of seeds. Hesperis comes from the Greek word for evening.
Author's NotesThis is considered an invasive weed in many areas. Many suggest it should be eradicated. Avoid using wildflower mixes that contain the seeds of this plant.
Notes & Reference#65-North Woods Wildflowers (Doug Ladd), #100-Wildflowers of Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest (Merel Black and Emmet Judziewicz), #101-Invasive Plants of the Upper Midwest (Betty Czarapata)
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