Family: Fabaceae

Scientific Name: Amorpha canescens

Common Name: Lead Plant, Prairie Shoestring, False Indigo


Lead Plant (Amorpha canescens) A native North American Prairie plant.

Plant TypeWild Flowers, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone5
Moisturevery draught tolerant plant growing in average to dry conditions
Soil & Sitemesic to dry prairies, sandy to loamy soils
Flowersdeep purple and found in dense spike-like clusters, individual small flower has a green calyx, purple petals and 10 protruding orange tipped stamens
Leavessilvery gray, alternate, compound and up to 50 narrow leaflets, canescens means covered in shorthairs that are usually white or gray, very fine and short
Rootslong and stringy hence the name Prairie Shoe Lead plant creates its own fertilizer by fixing nitrogen
DimensionsForms a few branched shrub reaching up to 3 feet.
PropagationSeeds may take up to five years to flower.
Author's NotesI have seen this plant many times in prairies. The silvery-gray foliage makes it stand out among the other plants.
Notes & Reference#56-Tall Grass Prairie Wild Flowers, #224-Prairie Nursery web site (
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