Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Arnoglossum atriplicifolium

Common Name: Pale Indian Plantain, Pale Plantain

DescriptionA tall Prairie plant with white flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Wild Flowers
Hardiness Zone5
Moistureaverage to dry
Soil & SiteFound in mesic to dry prairies and open woodlands.
Flowerseach flower head is made of 5, ¼ inch small tubular disk flowers, located at the top
LeavesLower leaves are largest progressively getting smaller up the stem. Leaves at the base are up to 12 inches, waxy blue-green leaves with attractive chalky white backs and in the shape of a Maple or Sycamore leaf.
Stemsreddish, purplish tinge
Dimensions3-5 feet tall
Native SiteNative North American Prairie plant.
Misc Factssyn Cacalia atriplicifolia.
Notes & Reference#56-Tall Grass Prairie Wildflowers (Doug Ladd)
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