Family: Dryopteridaceae

Scientific Name: Athyrium niponicum pictum Ghost

Common Name: Ghost Fern, Ghost Lady Fern

DescriptionAn unusual fern with "ghostly" silvery white fronds.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Ferns - Hardy
Hardiness Zone5
Sunlightpart sun to shade
Soil & Siteprefers humus-rich woodlands and moist woods, acidic to neutral, moist, well-drained
Flowersnon-flowering, reproduce by spores through alternation of generaton
Leavessilvery white fronds
Dimensions2-3 feet tall, space 12-18 inches on center, upright, clump formong
Cultivar OriginPlant originated in the Virginia garden of Nancy Swell. A hybrid between Japanese painted fern (Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum') x Southern lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina).
Author's NotesI have some nine year old plants in a garden I maintain and the ghostly silver gray foliage is a stand out. Seems to be very hardy.
Notes & ReferencePlants Delight Nursery web site
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