The color of the foliage depends on the amount of light. I have found to much light will bleach out the color and to little the iridescence is lost. It may take some experimentation to find the proper site. I grow mine where it gets almost 1/2 day of full sunlight (east exposure) and this produces excellent foliage color.
average, doesn't like to be dried out
Soil & Site
well drained
Growing Media
average patio
Short spikes of pale blue funnel shaped florets. I have never had it bloom during the summer. It has bloomed when overwintered in the greenhouse.
elliptic, opposite often in unequal pairs, dark green with silvery iridescent tones and dark purple below.
In the ground it can reach 2-4 feet by 2-3 feet, but much smaller in a pot.
Tends to produce an open plant with main branches. Pinching will help promote branches, more leaves resulting in more color.
Misc Facts
Native to Burma
Author's Notes
Last season (2008) I grew this plant in a large pot with Rocky Mountain Orange Geraniums. This was a "knockout" combination.