Family: Brassicaceae

Scientific Name: Thlaspi arvense

Common Name: Field Penny Crest

DescriptionAn annual weed common throughout the USA.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Weeds
Soil & SiteFound growing in waste places, fields, gardens, grain fields, etc. Has become a troublesome weed in grain fields.
Flowerssmall white flowers are found in a raceme. An annual herb producing from seeds.
Fruitdehiscent fruit called a siliques.
Leavessimple and alternate, larger leaves found toward the base
Propagationreproduces by seeds
Native SiteNative to Europe
Misc FactsThe Penny Crest like many other plants was said to have spread west with the building of the transcontinental railroad. The genus name Thlaspi is a Greek word for cress.
Notes & Reference#19-Common Weeds ( USDA Agricultural Research Service), #49-The History and Folklore of North American Wildflowers (Timothy Coffey)
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