Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Cynara cardunculus

Common Name: Cardoon, Perennial Cardon

DescriptionA large thistle-like plant that is grown as an ornamental or an vegetable.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone7-10
MoistureGrown as a vegetable it needs even moisture to maintain a good quality. As an ornamental, average moisture with additional moisture during dry spells will suffice.
Soil & SiteWill grow on a wide range of soils, but prefers a deep, fertile, well-drained soil. The plant is deep rooted and should be planted on soils that provide adequate area for root development.
TemperatureTop kills at around 28-30 degrees fahrenheit.
Flowerslavender purple flowers
LeavesLooks like a gigantic thistle with large, deeply cut gray leaves.
DimensionsReaches up to 6 feet high and equal spread if given optimal growing conditions. I have had it reach 3-4 by 3-4 feet in my gardens (zone #5).
Propagationseeds, division and root cuttings
Misc FactsThe most popular way to prepare it is to cook the leaves and tender stalks together. Cardoon may also be eaten fresh and uncooked in salads. Some say it has gentle laxative properties. A favorite plant of the Mediterranean region.
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