Family: Convolvulaceae

Scientific Name: Evolvulus glomerata Blue Daze

Common Name: Blue Daze Evolvulus

DescriptionA very nice blue flowering plant for hanging baskets, pots and in the garden.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone8(9b)-11
Sunlightprefers full but tolerates partial sun.
Moistureaverage, moderately draught tolerant, tolerates salt spray from oceans
Soil & Siteaverage
Growing Mediaaverage to well drained patio
Temperaturesuccumbs to the first frosts
Flowersblue, 5 petals, funnel shaped, white center, open in the morning and close towards the heat of the day, go through periods of heavy bloom than periods of a lighter bloom, but always having flowers
Leavessimple and egg shaped.
StemsAn evergreen sub-shrub and the stems tend to root where they touch the ground.
DimensionsReaches 1 foot tall with a spread of 2-3 feet. Tends to be much smaller when grown in containers.
Maintenancevery little
Propagationstem cuttings
Native SiteNative to Brazil and Paraguay.
Misc FactsThe genus name is derived from the Latin word evolvure meaning "untwist". This alludes to the fact that it is a non-climbing member of the Morning Glory Family.
Author's NotesI used this plant many times in pots as an edge or trailing plant. Very nice blue color. We always propagated this plant from stem cuttings.
Notes & Reference#51-Armitage's Manual of Annuals, Biennials, and Half-Hardy Perennials (Alan Arimitage), #109-Annuals and Tender Perennials for North American Gardens (Wayne Winterrowd)
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