Family: Lamiaceae

Common Name: Guacamole Plectranthus, Guacamole Swedish Ivy


'Guacamole' Plectranthus (Plectranthus) is a compact plant with a blend of yellow and green, rugose foliage on deep red stems. Outdoors it grows best in partial sun. Also known as Swedish Ivy.

Plant TypePerennial Tender, Site author's observations, Tender perennials often grown as annuals
Hardiness Zone(9) 10
Sunlightpartial shade, morning sun
Soil & Siteaverage
Growing Mediaaverage
Temperaturetolerates cooler temperatures
Leavesgreen with golden yellow to yellow irregular coloration, rugose
Stemsdark red
Dimensionsmine reached 16-18 inches spread and about 4-6 inches tall, mounds, cascading
Maintenancetrim to maintain shape
Author's NotesI grew this plant outdoors in a pot with morning sun, filtered light, and shade. It was a compact, dense plant slightly cascading over the side. My plant had less yellow than many of the images on the internet.
Notes & ReferenceSite Author's observations and growing experience
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