Family: Sarraceniaceae

Scientific Name: Sarracenia leucophylla 'White Trumpet'

Common Name: 'White Trumpet' Pitcher Plant


White Trumpet Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia leucophylla) has slender green pitchers that are pigmented white towards their top third. Both the white throat and frilly lid display green or red veins.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone(5)6-8
FlowersBright red before the pitchers fully develop.
LeavesThe top of the trumpet is pigmented white with red or green veins
Dimensions24-36 plus inches
Native Siteparts of Florida, Georgia, and Alabama
Cultivar OriginIt was probably first discovered by William Bartram (1739-1823 ( American Botanist and Artist) and later named by botanist Constantine Samuel Rafinesque in 1817.
Misc FactsRefer back to ABC of Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia) for additional information on this plant. AKA: purple trumpet-leaf, white pitcher plant, Sarracenia drummondii
Notes & Reference#271-Carnivorous Plants (Adrain Slack)
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