Family: Liliaceae

Scientific Name: Lilium Orienpet Conca d'Or

Common Name: Conca d'Or Orienpet Lily


Conca d'Or Orienpetl Lily has flowers that are out-to-up facing, bright, creamy-lemon with paler petal tips, and with a sweet fragrance.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc.
Hardiness Zone5
Sunlightfull, some shade in southern gardens
Soil & Siteaverage, well-drained
Flowersout-to-up facing, bright, creamy-lemon with paler petal tips, sweet fragrance, mid to late July into September
Dimensions4-5 feet tall
Maintenancewill probably need to be stacked
Misc FactsOrienpet Lilies are crosses between Oriental and Trumpet Lilies. They combine the best features of both groups. A hybrid produced by crossing parents from two different genera is called an intergeneric cross. AKA: Orienpet Lily, Oriental Lily
Author's NotesI have seen this Oriental Lily on a few occasions and it is definitely a show stopper.
Notes & ReferenceBD Lilies (
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