Family: Taxodiaceae

Scientific Name: Taxus cuspidata Nana Aurescens

Common Name: Golden Dwarf Japanese Yew


Golden Dwarf Japanese Yew (Taxus cuspidata Nana Aurescens) is a dwarf slow-growing, spreading Yew that bursts into a goldenrod color in the spring

Plant TypeShrubs Coniferous, Dwarf Conifers
Hardiness Zone4
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersmale clone so it doesn't flower
Fruitmale clone
Leavesflat evergreen needles, last years growth yellow in spring, then to green
Dimensions2 by 8 feet (HS), slow-growing
Maintenanceprune after the yellow foliage starts to turn green
Cultivar Origin"Little is known of the origin of this cultivar other that it recently arrived in the nursery trade via Japan in the early 2000s" (#202)
Misc FactsTaxus is an old Latin name for yews. Cuspidata refers to the needles having a sharp point. Aurescens to the golded color of the foliage and nana meaning dwarf. AKA: Nana Aurescens Japanese Yew
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #201-Isles Nursery web site (, #202-American Conifer Society (
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