Family: Lamiaceae

Scientific Name: Mentha piperita

Common Name: Peppermint


Peppermint (Mentha piperita) An aggressive plant with white flowers and Peppermint scented foliage. Used in beverages, jellies, salads, sauces, & desserts.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Herbs
Hardiness Zone3-7
Moistureaverage, the moisture the site the faster the spread
Soil & Siteaverage, the moisture and richer the site the faster the spread
Flowerssmall pink or purple flower spikes
Leavessimple, green, pointed, toothed edge, fragrant when crushed
Stemssquare, rhizomatous
Dimensionsto 18 inches, spread forever
Maintenanceif you want to keep this plant contained, grow in a container, sink container in the ground to overwinter
Propagationvery easy from division, seeds
Author's NotesIt can't be overstated how aggressive this mint will spread. All my mint are in large plastic nursery containers, buried in the soil. Even this will only slow down their spread.
Notes & Reference#97-Mints (Barbara Perry Lawton)
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