Description | Velvet Elvis Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus) is an improved Mona Lavender Swedish Ivy. Has larger flowers an a better growth habit. |
Plant Type | Indoor Foliage, Indoor Flowering Plants, Annuals, Perennial Tender |
Hardiness Zone | 10-11 |
Sunlight | full , mostly sunny, part sun, the more sun the darker the foliage, in zone five and almost take full sun |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Growing Media | average |
Flowers | lavender, borne on an inflorescence (raceme), late summer |
Leaves | velvety foliage is deep mallard-green with a vibrant purple back |
Roots | fibrous |
Dimensions | about 24 by 24 inches |
Maintenance | when they bloom a plethora of inflorescence's are formed with many tubular flowers, after blooming they create a bit of a mess dropping all the tubulor flowers, at this time cut off the flower stalks, can be pinched or pruned to maintain shape |
Propagation | lavender flowers borne on spikes dashed with purple markings |
Cultivar Origin | Terra Nova Nurseries, Canby Oregon USA, circa 2012 |
Notes & Reference | Terra Nova Nurseries web site fact sheet |