Family: Lamiaceae

Common Name: Velvet Elvis Swedish Ivy


Velvet Elvis Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus) is an improved Mona Lavender Swedish Ivy.  Has larger flowers an a better growth habit. 

Plant TypeIndoor Foliage, Indoor Flowering Plants, Annuals, Perennial Tender
Hardiness Zone10-11
Sunlightfull , mostly sunny, part sun, the more sun the darker the foliage, in zone five and almost take full sun
Soil & Siteaverage
Growing Mediaaverage
Flowerslavender, borne on an inflorescence (raceme), late summer
Leavesvelvety foliage is deep mallard-green with a vibrant purple back
Dimensionsabout 24 by 24 inches
Maintenancewhen they bloom a plethora of inflorescence's are formed with many tubular flowers, after blooming they create a bit of a mess dropping all the tubulor flowers, at this time cut off the flower stalks, can be pinched or pruned to maintain shape
Propagationlavender flowers borne on spikes dashed with purple markings
Cultivar OriginTerra Nova Nurseries, Canby Oregon USA, circa 2012
Notes & ReferenceTerra Nova Nurseries web site fact sheet
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