Family: Liliaceae

Scientific Name: Lilium Aurelians Golden Splendor

Common Name: Golden Splendor Trumpet Lily


Golden Splendor Trumpet Lily is a tall Lilly with large yellow flowers that may have maroon striping.

Plant TypeBulbs, corms, tubers, rhizoms, etc.
Hardiness Zone4-8
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersyellow, maroon stripes on reverses, outward-facing, fragrant, trumpet-shaped, borne in umbels
Dimensions4-6 by 1-2 feet (HS)
Maintenancedead head as soon as the flower fades, may need to be staked, best to move and divide in the late summer or fall when the plant is dormant, mulch helps survival in the colder end of the plants hardiness zone, let the plant die down to the ground
Propagationdivision of bulbs
Cultivar OriginOriginally hybridized by J. DeGraaf.
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