Family: Rosaceae

Scientific Name: Pyrus calleryana Sylvania

Common Name: Trinity Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana)


Trinity Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana) reported to be a bit more hardy than other Callery Pear cultivars. Has a tightly rounded growth form.

Plant TypeTrees Deciduous
Hardiness Zone5-8
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerssmall 3/4 inch creamy white, 5 petaled flowers borne in dense corymbs in the early spring
Fruita nearly sterile plant so little if any fruit is produced
Leavesgreen leaves on long petioles, reddish-purple fall foliage color
Dimensions30 by 25-30 feet (HS)
PropagationPlant Patent pp 4.530
Cultivar OriginHandy Nursery, Oregon circa 1970's
Notes & Reference#o1-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Dirr), #93-North American Landscape Trees( Jacobson)
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