Family: Celastraceae

Scientific Name: Celastrus scandens

Common Name: Bittersweet, American Bittersweet

DescriptionA vigorous twining vine (scandent) that is prized for the yellow-orange fruit.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Groundcovers and vines
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightadapts to a variety of conditions, best fruit set is in full sun.
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage to poor
FlowersThe plants are dioecous having male and female flowers on separate plants. The flowers are yellowish white and not showy. Fruit is persistent orange/yellow, pea-sized, capsule with three valves and found on female plants. Both sexes of plant are needed to set fruit set.
LeavesLeaves are alternate, simple and toothed. Foliage green in the summer and yellow in the fall.
StemsA rambling, very aggressive twining vine., scandent
Dimensionsover 20 feet
Maintenancecutting back to keep the plant within bounds
Propagationseeds need to be stratified, softwood cuttings
Author's NotesAlthough I have never planted this plant I drive past an old split rail fence that has been totally intertwined with it. I always look forward to the fall when the naked vines have the orange fruit. In one landscape I maintain, this plant is a nuisance. I cut out many feet of it each year.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr), #63-How to recognize Shrubs (Grimm)
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