Family: Buxaceae

Scientific Name: Buxus sempervirens Krazgreen

Common Name: Green Ice Boxwood


Green Ice Boxwood is an extra hardy small Boxwood with an upright mounded growth habit.  Reaches about 3 by 3 feet

Plant TypeBroadleaf evergreen, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone(4) 5
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, partial shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersinconspicuous, not ornamental, apetulous, white/yellowish, occur in the early spring, may smell
Leavesoval-rounded, dark green, reported to hold it's green color throughout the winter, little bronzing
Dimensions3 by 3 feet (HS), report to hold it's shape, dense upright mounded
MaintenanceI like to shear the plants after the new foliage has hardened. If you shear to early, a lot of the new growth will be missed because it still may not have extended. This cultivar may need very little shearing.
Cultivar OriginMarlene Krasinsky (Brackenridge, PA) (probably Buxus sinica var. insularis × B. sempervirens), of garden origin
Notes & Reference#253-Boxwood Handbook (Lynn R. Batdoff)
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