Description | River Bank Grape (Vitis riparia) is an aggressive native vine producing grapes that are a source of food for birds and animals. Also known as Frost Grape. |
Plant Type | Site author's observations, woody vines |
Hardiness Zone | 3 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny, shaded |
Moisture | average, moist |
Soil & Site | forest edges, forests, meadows and fields, shores of rivers or lakes, in my opinion just about anywhere |
Flowers | greenish yellow, borne on dropping panicles |
Fruit | blue to black, fleshy, acidic, tart, has seeds |
Leaves | simple, alternate, lobed, usually sharp teeth on the margins, can have yellow fall color |
Stems | a vine, on old plants the base stem can reach over 5 inches in diameter, bark can exfoliate |
Roots | tap root |
Dimensions | over 50 feet in length |
Propagation | seeds. cuttings |
Native Site | Native to North America. |
Misc Facts | Vitis stands for grapes and riparia is river banks. |
Author's Notes | As a landscaper I have removed untold feet of this aggressive vine from properties. I have sampled the fruit and find it very tart with seeds. |