Description | Fire Tail Mountain Fleece Flower (Persicaria amplexicaulis) has red flower spikes. Forms thick clumps in moist soil. |
Pronunciation | (per-sih-KAR-ee-uh)(am-pleks-ih-KAW-liss |
Plant Type | Perennials Hardy |
Hardiness Zone | 5-9 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny, some shade |
Moisture | average, moist, likes constant moist |
Soil & Site | average, moist, tolerates wet |
Flowers | red spikes |
Leaves | stem-clasping (amplexicaul), leaf stipules sheathing the stem, giving the stem a jointed appearance at each leaf node |
Dimensions | 3-4 by 3-4 feet (HS), give it room to spread |
Maintenance | this cultivar is not invasive but forms dense clumps, needs lots of muscle to separate |
Propagation | division of clumps |
Native Site | species native to Himalayas |
Misc Facts | "Genus name comes from the Latin persica meaning peach-like and sagittata meaning barbed or arrow-shaped in reference to the shape of the leaves. Specific epithet means stem-clasping in reference to leaf attachment" (#144) (syn Polygonum amplexicaule) |
Notes & Reference | #04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site ( |