Family: Cactaceae

Scientific Name: Selenicereus anthonyanus

Common Name: Ric Rac Cactus


Rik Rak Cactus (Selenicereus anthonyanus ) is a trailing epiphytic Cactus that grows best in hanging baskets or taller containers. A trailing epiphytic Cactus that grows best in hanging baskets or taller containers. If the conditions are correct this flat stemmed epiphytic cactus will reward you with large, scented night blooming flowers.

Plant TypeAll Plants, Succulents, Indoor Flowering Plants
Hardiness Zone10-11
Sunlightgrowing indoors it needs bright light but not direct
Moistureaverage, can tolerate drier conditions
Growing Mediaaverage house plant mix, orchid mix
Flowersnocturnal, scented, only last a night
Stemsflat, notched, freely branching
Rootsuses aerial roots to attach to the trees
Dimensionswill hang 2 plus feet out of a hanging basket, cascades from tree branches in tropical rainforests
Maintenancelikes to be pot bound
Propagationrooting stems
Native SiteMexico (Chiapas and Pico Carrizal rainforests)
Misc FactsCrypto from Greek meaning hidden, cereus from Latin meaning wax taper of candle, AKA: Fishbone Cactus, Zig Zag Cactus, Orchid Cactus, St. Anthony's Rik-Rak Cryptocereus anthonyanus
Notes & Reference#15-Cactus Lexicon (Backeberg)
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