The Cascade series are single grandiflora Petunia's. They produce large flowers on cascading stems and are commonly used in pots and baskets.
Plant Type
All Plants, Annuals
evenly moist
Soil & Site
Acclimated plants are very tolerant of cooler to cold temperatures. In zone #5 they do best in the early spring to early summer (May-June), have a tendency to slow down in the hot drier months and than come on strong in the cool fall (mid-September-October). With a little protection I have had Petunia's in bloom on Turkey Day. Hardened Petunias can be plant in early May (zone #5)
3" or bigger, blue, blush, burgundy, lilac, pink, rose, red, salmon, white
Cascading stems become brittle and can break off.
Although well worth the effort, I consider these one of the higher maintenance Petunia's. The flowers are large and need to be deadheaded to keep the plant neat. The stems should be constantly pruned back to keep the plant compact eliminating a lot of weight off of the stems, cutting down on breaking. We give our plants hair cuts once or twice during the growing season. Petunias are sticky when pinched; making gloves are a good option.