Family: Cyperaceae

Scientific Name: Carex bicknellii

Common Name: Bicknell’s Sedge


Bicknell’s Sedge (Carex bicknellii) is a prairie sedge that is found growing in both wet river bottoms and drier areas.

Plant TypeGrass Ornamental
Hardiness Zone3-7
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny
Moistureaverage, moist
Soil & Siteaverage
Fruitoval shaped seed heads, copper colored
Dimensions1-3 feet high, space 18 inches
Propagationspores, division
Native SiteEastern North America
Misc Facts"Genus name from Latin means cutter in reference to the sharp leaves and stem edges (rushes are round but sedges have edges) found on most species' plants". AKA: Copper Shouldered Oval Sedge
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, #224-Prairie Nursery web site (
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