Description | Dwarf Papyrus (Cyperus prolifer) is a dwarf version of the much larger Papyrus grass. |
Pronunciation | (SEYE-per-us) |
Plant Type | Grass Ornamental |
Hardiness Zone | 9-11 |
Sunlight | full, light shade, 1/2 day sun |
Moisture | constant moisture |
Soil & Site | moist |
Temperature | -20 to -25 degrees F |
Flowers | borne in brown spikes |
Stems | rhyzomes |
Dimensions | 2 plus feet tall, spreads by rhyzomes |
Propagation | seeds, division |
Native Site | southern Africa, Madagascar, Mascarene Islands |
Misc Facts | Incorrectly named Cyperus papyrus nana |
Notes & Reference | #92-The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grass (John Greenlee), #222-The Encyclopedia of Grasses for Livable Landscapes (Rick Darke) |