Family: Solanaceae

Scientific Name: Petunia exserta

Common Name: Petunia exersta


Petunia exserta (Petunia exserta) A species non-hybrid plant that blooms forever with lots of red tubular flowers. Supposedly Hummers like these plants.

Plant TypeAnnuals, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone9b-11
Sunlightfull, at least 1/2 day
Soil & Siteaverage
Growing Mediaaverage
Temperatureenjoys the cooler weather
Flowerstubular, with star shaped opening, deep red
Leavesleaves are alternate and covered with a viscid pubescence, making them sticky when pinched
Maintenancedead heading, pruning to maintain shape, can be cut back hard and will quickly regrow
Propagationeasy from seeds
Native SiteBrazil
Cultivar Origindiscovered around 2007 in Brazil
Author's NotesGrew these from seeds in the summer of 2015. Transplanted green non-blooming plants into some larger pots. Soon they started blooming and my first thoughts were " I was sold the wrong seeds", since at first glance, the flowers looked like Nicotiana. Checked the seed package and they were truly a Petunia. Fun to grow species plants of over hybridized plants like Petunia.
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