Family: Crassulaceae

Common Name: Dazzleberry Sedum.


Sedum Dazzleberry (Hylotelephium)  is a vigorous Sedum with clusters of flowers and chalky purple succulent foliage. Good for a ground cover plant or sprawling over the edges or around rocks.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone4-9
Moistureaverage, drought tolerant once established
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained
Flowerscarmine pink in terminal clusters, late summer, pink buds
Leaveschalky purple, succulent foliage, roundish
Dimensions8-10 by 18 plus inches (HS), some what floppy
Maintenanceafter blooming cut back , plant will flush out with new foliage, new growth originates from the center
PropagationPP#22,457, cuttings
Native Site"Hylotelephium is a genus of about 400 species found mainly in the mountainous areas of North America but some also in dry area of South America" (#144)
Cultivar OriginChris Hansen of Great Garden Plants and introduced in 2012 in Western Michigan (USA).
Misc Facts"Genus name comes from the Latin word sedeo meaning to sit in reference to the general growing habit of many of the Sedums (they sit and sprawl over rocks) (#144), (syn Sedum Dazzleberry)
Author's NotesGrew this plant in a clay pot in the summer of 2015. Planted in the garden in the fall. Bloomed beautifully during the summer of 2016. Plant in the garden and has grown nicely from 2017-2018. Needs to be cut back after blooming.
Notes & Reference#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, #209-The Plant Lovers Guide to Sedums (Brent Horvath)
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