Family: Poaceae

Scientific Name: Festuca glauca Cool as Ice

Common Name: Cool as Ice Fescue


Cool As Ice Fescue (Festuca glauca) A Fescue cultivar that starts lighter in the spring than darkens. Reported to have better heat and humidity tolerance.

Plant TypeGrass Ornamental, Short lived perennials
Hardiness Zone(4)5
Sunlightfull for best foliage color
Moistureaverage, tolerates drought once established
Soil & Siteaverage, well drained, tolerates drought, rots in poorly drained soils
Flowersbuff colored on tall slender stalks
Leavesfine textured leaves, lighter blue in spring than darking
Dimensions18 inches tall with flower stalks, 24 inch spread, forms a rounded clump
Maintenancecut off all seed heads, the seeds will germinated and seedlings probably will not be true to the cultivar, remove dead foliage in the spring or fall
Cultivar OriginIntrinsic Perennial Gardens, Illinois USA
Author's NotesI have used lots of Festuca glauca cultivar plants in gardens, grew many at my nursery and wouldn't classify them has hardy and easy to grow has Daylily or Hosta. Need to be divided on an yearly to every other year basis.
Notes & ReferenceIntrinsic Perennials web site
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