Family: Convolvulaceae

Common Name: Blue My Mind Evolvulus, Blue My Mind Dwarf Morning Glory

DescriptionA cultivar of Evolvulus with lots of true blue flowers.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals
Hardiness Zone9-11
Sunlightprefers full but tolerates partial sun, mostly sunny
Moistureaverage, moderately drought tolerant
Soil & Siteaverage
Growing Mediaaverage to well drained patio
Temperatureprefers hot weather, succombs to frost
Flowersblue, 5 petals, funnel shaped, white center, open in the morning and close towards the heat of the day, also seem to go through periods of heavy bloom than periods of a lighter bloom, but always having flowers
Leavesdowny, simple, egg shaped
Dimensions6-12 inches tall, trails up to 24 inches
Maintenancevery little
Propagationcuttings, seeds
Native SiteSpecies plant native to Brazil and Paraguay
Misc FactsThe genus name is derived from the Latin word evolvure meaning "untwist". This alludes to the fact that it is a non-climbing member of the Morning Glory Family
Author's NotesI have never grown this particular cultivar, but all indications that this a good improvement over the older cultivars I have used. Having more flowers and better compact growth habit. This genus gives us some of the bluest colored flowers for the annual gardens.
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