Family: Scrophulariaceae

Scientific Name: Phygelius aequalis Snow Queen

Common Name: Snow Queen Cape Fuchsia

DescriptionA perennial in zone 7, used as an annual in colder gardens. I have seen fabulous plants of Snow Queen in zone #5 gardens used as annuals.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Annuals
Hardiness Zone(6)7-9
Soil & Sitewell drained
Temperaturetolerates cooler weather
Flowerswhite, tubular, pendulous, 5 lobes, borne on a one sided panicle
Leavessemi-evergreen, sub shrub,
Dimensions15-18" tall
Maintenancecut back, in the northern end of its range will freeze to the ground
Propagationdivision of suckers, stem cuttings
Native SiteNative to South Africa.
Author's NotesI have seen plants just covered with pendulous tubular white flowers.
Notes & Reference#04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #109-Annuals and Tender Perennials for North American Gardens (Wayne Winterroud)
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