Description | Pale Purple Coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia) A native Coneflower to the western part of the USA. |
Pronunciation | (eh-kin-AA-cee-ah) |
Plant Type | Wild Flowers |
Hardiness Zone | (3)4 |
Sunlight | full |
Moisture | average, tolerates dryness once established |
Soil & Site | average, well drained |
Temperature | not frost sensitive |
Flowers | pink to creamy white, dropping petals (ray flowers), yellow pollen |
Leaves | narrow, entire, 4-6 inches long |
Dimensions | 1.5 feet tall, upright seldom branching |
Propagation | seeds, division |
Misc Facts | All parts of the plant have been or still used for medicinal purposes. AKA: Black Sampson, Black Samson Echinacea |
Notes & Reference | #04-Herbaceous Perennial Plants (Allan Armitage), #56-Tall Grass Prairie Wildflowers (Doug Ladd) |