Description | Blue Billow Hydrangea (Hydrangea serrata) A compact shrub with light blue lace-cap flowers. |
Pronunciation | (hi-DRAN-gee-ah)(ser-RA-tah) |
Plant Type | Shrubs Deciduous |
Hardiness Zone | 6-9 |
Sunlight | shade, part shade |
Moisture | preferrs moist, tolerates average |
Soil & Site | average, humusy, acidic to get blue color |
Temperature | foliage is frost sensitive, zone #6 (-10 degrees F) |
Flowers | light blue lacecap |
Leaves | simple, serrated green leaves, turns reddish color in fall |
Dimensions | 4-5 feet, compact, rounded |
Cultivar Origin | Introduced by Richard Lighty of the Mt Cuba Center. It was a seedling of a Korean form of H. serrata |
Author's Notes | I saw a planting of these in the shade of a deciduous tree at the Morton Arboretum. Lisle, Illinois (USA). It had smaller flowers than H. macrophylla but still was impressive with the blue color. |
Notes & Reference | #85-Hydrangeas for American Gardens (Michael Dirr) |