Family: Asteraceae

Scientific Name: Tagetes patula Mr. Majestic

Common Name: Mr. Majestic Marigold


Mr. Majestic Marigold (Tagetes patula)is a compact Marigold with maroon stripes on the flowers, forming a pin-wheel effect.

Plant TypeAnnuals, Site author's observations
Soil & Siteaverage
FlowersThe flowers are single, golden-yellow, with mahogany-brown stripes, creating the pinwheel effect. There is variability in the flowers, some with wider stripes, some with parts of stripes, and some with few stripes.
Fruitachenes with tails
Dimensions10 inches tall
Maintenancedead heading, will reseed
Propagationseeds with tails, easy to germinate
Misc FactsThe name Tagetes (tay-gee'teez) from the name of Tages a grandson of Jupiter. Their recorded history goes back to the era of the Aztecs. In the 1500's seeds of Marigold were brought to Spain. The plant traveled to France to Africa to India. By the time of the revolutionary war, Marigolds were re-introduced to America
Notes & Reference#274-Site Authors' observations and growing experiences of Marigold Mr Majestic.
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