A Flemming Hybrid Hibiscus with large red flowers and cut foliage with a heavy burgundy ting. A stunning plant.
Plant Type
All Plants, Perennials Hardy
Hardiness Zone
full, at least 6 hour
once established can tolerate normal conditions, need to be kept well watered until established, additional water during dry periods helps
Soil & Site
average, not soggy
large red crepe texture flowers, a heavy bloomer for over 1.5 months
dissected leaves, heavy burgundy tinge
die back to the ground
6 feet high with equal spread
after the first killing frost cut back to about 6-10 inches, flowers wilt to a mushy mash the second day, if this bothers you they can be removed
PP 13,631, cuttings
Cultivar Origin
Introduced by Flemmings Flower Fields, Nebraska USA.
Author's Notes
I had the pleasure and privilege of meeting the Fleming Brothers in the early to late 1980's at Perennial Plant Association Conventions. I still remember them talking about their work with hardy Hibiscus. I thought how could such a tropical looking plant be hardy to zone # 5. Even though they have passed away, the genes of their plants are still around providing the gardeners of the world with winter hardy Hibiscus.