Family: Liliaceae

Scientific Name: Dracaena marginata Tricolor

Common Name: Rainbow Tree, Tricolor Dracaena

DescriptionA highly prized cultivar of the more common Dracaena marginata.
Plant TypeAll Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zone10-12
Sunlightbright to moderate, leaf color varies with the amount of light
Moistureevenly moist
Growing Mediaaverage house
Temperatureprefer average house plus, tolerates average house
LeavesThe rosette of leaves are found on the top of this apical dominant plant. They are long, linear, cream and red stripes.
MaintenanceThis plant seems to be very apical dominant (it tend to grow a single stem with one tip). If you want it to branch, cutting off the top will force it to side branch.
Propagationcane cuttings, tip cuttings, air layering
Native SiteFound in Japan
Cultivar OriginDeveloped in Florida and Puerto Rico
Author's NotesThis is one plant that my horticulture students all want. Like most people they are attracted to the colorful leaves growing in a bunch on the top of a slender stalk.
Notes & Reference#02-Exotic Plant Manual (Alfred Byrd Graf), #70-Indoor Plants (Courtuer and Clark)
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