Family: Liliaceae

Scientific Name: Hosta fortunei Albomarginata

Common Name: Hosta Silver Crown


Silver Crown Hosta (Hosta albo marginata) has been used in gardens for many years. A small to medium size plant, with a white margin and pale purple flowers.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone4
Sunlightshaded, filtered sunlight
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerspale lavender flowers on 24-36" scapes
Fruitseed pods
Leavesthin, wavy, and green with a creamy-white margin. will burn in dry direct
Dimensions16-24" by up to 40" spread
Misc FactsIn 1987 the AHS registered it as Hosta undulata Albo-marginata and then changed in 1991 to H. fortunei Albomarginata AKA: Thomas Hogg, Decorata, Frank Sedwick
Author's NotesOne of the more common heirloom Histas, it has probably been superseded by many other variegated Histas. When I ran my nursery in the 1980s, this was one of the top three or so Histas being sold.
Notes & Reference#24-The Hosta Book (Aden), #33-Hosta the Flowering Foliage Plant (Diana Grenfell), #50-The Hosta Handbook (Mark R. Zillis)
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