Family: Taxodiaceae

Scientific Name: Taxus x media Brownii

Common Name: Brownii Yew, Browns Yew

DescriptionA dense growing rounded shaped Yew with brownish yellow new growth
Plant TypeAll Plants, Shrubs Coniferous
Hardiness Zone4-7
Sunlightsun to shade, the deeper the shade the looser the form
Moistureprefers moist, tolerates average
Soil & Siteprefers moist, well drained but tolerates average
Fruitmale clone doesn't set fruit
Leavesneedles, dark green on the upper surface, yellow green on the underside, very flat and two ranked
Dimensions9 plus feet but can be easily pruned to maintain size and shape
MaintenanceVery prunable and easily kept to size. Has at least two growth flushes per season. Prune after the new growth hardens. Will recover slowly from hard pruning into old wood
Author's NotesHave used this Yew several times. Naturally grows to a mounded form but pruning helps maintain shape. New growth is an added bonus.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Dirr)
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