Family: Cupressaceae

Scientific Name: Thuja occidentalis Hetz Wintergreen

Common Name: Hetz Wintergreen Arborvitae


Hetzi Wintergreen Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis) is an pyramidal Arborvitae that has dark green foliage.  In time reaches over 25 feet tall.

Plant TypeShrubs Coniferous
Hardiness Zone3-7
Sunlightfull to partial sun
Moistureaverage to moist
Soil & Siteaverage to moist
Fruitsmall woody cones
Leavesdark green needles
Dimensionswith time 20-30 feet tall, 5- 10 foot (HS), pyramidal
MaintenanceA light shearing may be needed to maintain size. Heavy snow can cause the plants to split and open up. I have tied them together to bring them back into shape. Like most Arborvitae it will accumulate a good amount of dead foliage in the center. I like to tap the plant with the flat side of a leaf rake to knock lose the brown foliage. All Arborvitae are among the easiest of the evergreen shrubs to transplant.
Cultivar OriginIntroduced on or before 1931 by Griffing Nursery of Beaumont, Texas USA.
Notes & Reference#1-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Dirr), #3-The Hillier Manual of Trees and Shrubs (Hellier Nursery), #93-North American Landscape Trees (Arthur Lee Jacobson)
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