Description | Alabama Sunset Coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides) is an old favorite, with rosy copper leaves and golden highlights. |
Pronunciation | (sol-en-oh-STEM-on)(skew-tell-ar-ee-OH-ih-deez) |
Plant Type | Perennial Tender |
Hardiness Zone | 10-11 |
Sunlight | sun to light shade |
Moisture | Plants in the garden average moisture. Plants in pots will need more water as they become root bound |
Soil & Site | average |
Growing Media | average |
Temperature | frost sensitive |
Flowers | Coleus are grown for foliage color, deadhead all the flowers. |
Leaves | rosy copper leaves with golden highlights |
Dimensions | 24-30 inches |
Maintenance | pinch out flower buds, prune to maintain shape and size |
Propagation | cuttings, seeds |
Misc Facts | aka Texas Parking Lot, Bellingrath Pink, Shocking Pink (syn Coleus blumei), , Flame Nettle, Painted Nettle Alabama Sunset |
Notes & Reference | #118-Coleus (Ray Rodgers) |