An oddity in the plant world having leaves which fold up when touched. Not the easiest plant to keep alive.
Plant Type
All Plants, Indoor Foliage
Hardiness Zone
evenly moist, never very dry or very wet
Growing Media
average house
average house to warm, never less than 62-65 degrees F
The pink flowers remind me of tiny bottle brushes. If you want seeds, don't deadhead the flowers and seeds pods should form.
The branches are wiry and are becomes lined with prickles as the plant matures. The compound leaves consist of 10-25 small leaflets. The entire leaf will fold up when touched. The touch triggers a quick wilting reaction called seisonastic movement. It may also fold up at night, a nyconastic movement. This is considered to be a defense mechanism from herbaceous insects.
A sprawling to upright shrub reported to reach 3'. I have had them about a foot tall when grown in a flower pots.
To improve germination Sensitive plant seeds need to be scarified. I put the seeds in boiling water, shut off the heat and let them soak for at least 1 hour. We have done comparison tests and non scarified seeds will give a 10% germination rate, where as scarified can reach as high as 90%. The boiling water softens the seed coat, allowing water to penetrate and start the germination process
Misc Facts
Has naturalized throughout most of the tropics becoming an invasive weed in many areas.
Author's Notes
One of my students who was of Asian decent, told me her mother used this as a medicine.