Description | Tufted Hair Grass (Deschampsia caespitosa) Produces tufted mounds of dark green foliage. The flowers are loose and airy. |
Pronunciation | (deh-SHAMP-see-ah)(ses-pih-TOH-sah) |
Plant Type | Grass Ornamental |
Hardiness Zone | 4-9 |
Sunlight | full, mostly sunny, tolerates shade |
Moisture | prefers moist, hates hot and dry |
Soil & Site | prefers rich moist to average |
Temperature | a cool season grass |
Flowers | loose airy panicles, produced in large amounts, arches forward out of the mound, spring blooming |
Leaves | forms tufted mounds of dark green foliage |
Dimensions | with the flowers reaches over 2 feet tall |
Maintenance | in warmer climates may be evergreen, in cold climates it will go dormant and can be cut back |
Propagation | seeds, division |
Misc Facts | The genus was named for Louis Deschamps (1765-1842) a French naturalist. AKA: Crinkled Hair Grass, Common Hair Grass |
Author's Notes | I have this grass in my garden. It was the variety Northern Lights that reverted back. Seems to be totally hardy. |
Notes & Reference | #92-The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grass (John Greenlee) |