full, tolerates some shade, not as full and dense as the shade gets deeper
prefers moist, tolerates average
Soil & Site
prefers moist, well drained but tolerates average
not ornamental
fleshy arial covering a brown seed. This cultivar of yew has produced few fruit for me over the past 10 years.
Needles are dark green on the upper surface, yellow green on the underside, very flat and two ranked The new growth has a golden yellow color fading to green.
reached 4 by 5 in my garden with little pruning
Prune after the new growth starts to lose the yellow and turn to green. I have never sheared this plant tight because I like the yellow color of the longer, newer growth. Had very little wind burn in my garden.
Author's Notes
Had this shrub growing in my yard for over 10 years. A combination of a dry fall (2013) and one the coldest winters in 2014, planted in an unprotected winter wind place, it died.