Description | Coleus Kong series (Solenostemon scutellarioides) A great Coleus with large colorful leaves. |
Pronunciation | (sol-en-oh-STEM-on)(skew-tell-ar-ee-OH-ih-deez) |
Plant Type | Annuals, Perennial Tender, Site author's observations |
Hardiness Zone | 9-10 |
Sunlight | part sun to shade, will burn in the hot sun, colors will become more pronounces in a little bit of sun |
Moisture | average |
Soil & Site | average |
Growing Media | average patio |
Temperature | frost sensitive |
Leaves | hand size, one of the largest of the different Coleus cultivars, leaf color: Mosaic, Rose, Scarlet and Red. |
Dimensions | 18-22 inches tall by 18-22 inches spread |
Maintenance | Kong's hand size leaves adds a bit more maintenance. The large leaves shade and slow down the development of newer fresh colored leaves. When they start to fade I remove them and the space is quickly filled in by new fresh leaves. Needs to be constantly deadheaded. |
Propagation | cuttings, seeds |
Cultivar Origin | A Sakata seed introduction. |
Misc Facts | (SYN. Coleus blumei, Plectranthus scutellarioides) AKA: Coleus Kong Lime Sprite, Coleus Kong Red, Coleus Kong Mosaic |
Author's Notes | Kong is one of my favorite Coleus and is a real show stopper on the patio. |
Notes & Reference | #118-Coleus (Ray Rodgers) |