Description | Zebrina Red Hill is a tumbling plant that produces a plethora of flowers packed around the terminal tips of the branches.
Plant Type | Indoor Foliage, Site author's observations |
Hardiness Zone | 8-10 |
Sunlight | bright, needs good light or it will stretch |
Moisture | average, slightly dry |
Growing Media | average house |
Flowers | pink flowers |
Leaves | upper surface of leaves dark green, lower reddish, |
Stems | stems get brittle and are easily broken if the plant gets to big |
Maintenance | tends to get scraggly and needs to be cut back on a regular bases |
Propagation | easy by cuttings |
Native Site | Mexico |
Author's Notes | I found this plant easy to grow and it produced a plethora of flowers. This plant is high maintenance to keep it in good form but well worth the effort. I really do not know the exact scienctific name of this plant. The plant was sold as "Zebrina Red Hill" (Zebrina pendula Red Hill), The nursery no longer produces this plant and there are few images or references to this plant on the web. I think it may be a related to Setrceasea pallida. Since it has the fleshier leaves,and stems. Also the flowers are very similar.but S. pallida has a more defined boat shaped bract for the flower. Both have hair but Red Hill is much hairier. Both have similar growth form and maintenance. |