Description | Swamp Gooseberry (Ribes hirtellum) A native growing shrub that provides food for wildlife and man. |
Pronunciation | (RI-bez) |
Plant Type | Shrubs Deciduous, shrubs native |
Hardiness Zone | 4 |
Sunlight | full sun tolerates some shade |
Moisture | moist to wet; sedge meadows, fens, swamps, forest edges, thickets along shores |
Soil & Site | grows in swamps and cool moist ground |
Flowers | greenish or purplish 1-3 on a short stalk |
Fruit | Edible fruit starts green change to red to dark purple. |
Leaves | rounded, 3-5 lobes, green, sharp toothed on the margins |
Stems | branches are gray and unarmed with an occasional nodal spine, bristles maybe found on the stem |
Dimensions | Reaches 1-3 feet high with an equal spread. |
Propagation | seeds, cuttings, tip layering |
Misc Facts | AKA: Smooth Gooseberry, Northern Gooseberry |
Notes & Reference | #63-How to recognize Shrubs (William Carey Grimm), #191-Minnesota Wild Flowers ( |